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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

5 Techniques You Can Use to Make Learning Interesting for Your Students as a Teacher.

Teaching is one noble profession that directly involves impacting the right values and knowledge that will make a child morally upright, academically and emotionally sound.

Impacting these values as a teacher doesn’t happen by chance, it is the direct effort of improvising teaching methods your learners can cope with and also find interesting.

Speaking of teaching methods to imbibe to make learning interesting for your learners, here are 5 measures you should incorporate into your lectures as a teacher. See them below.

1. Employ the use of projected video illustrational aid.

Research has proven that children, most especially toddlers and teenagers are easily triggered to learn with illustrational video aid. This includes animation pictures or videos, samples of elements that relate to the topic being discussed, diagrams and visual charts. Studies have also shown that children retain visual images faster than verbal words. Using this method as a teacher will not only drive the message of your faster to your learners but will also make them admire you and find your teachings interesting.

2. Make use of modern technological gadgets.

Students find learning appealing and worthwhile when it involves the use of technological gadgets and apparatus they are not always given access to. For instance, imbibing the use of computers, internet-enabled devices, and other technological teaching aids will make your children always look forward to attending your lectures. However, this measure can be distractive for learners, that is the more reason the teacher should be very observant and in control of the class.

3. Imbibe stories to buttress relevant points.

Lectures are considered to be more interesting when stories are told to buttress a point. Stories can be used to draw the attention of learners, instil a moral lesson and can also be used to make students understand a particular topic faster. Nonetheless, the teacher should be careful not to utilize the whole time of the lesson telling stories.

4. Encourage teacher/student interactive sessions.

For a lesson to be impactful, you need to give room to students’ participation. This will create an avenue for them to ask questions, share their opinion regarding what has been taught and give feedback. The idea of focusing on yourself as a teacher and giving no room for students’ participation will make your teaching boring, non-impactful, self-centred, and difficult to understand for most students.

5. Give a positive response to every question asked by your students.

Children always want to ask questions, and at the same time – want their questions to be answered. If you want to be an impactful teacher, you must learn to accommodate and respond to every question asked by your learners. Whether the question is offensive or not, still ensure to give a positive response, because doing so will set a good example they will follow and imitate. 

Content created and supplied by: OsPrince (via Opera
News )

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