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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Find features of human respiratory system in order to understand parts affected by infections

Respiratory system in a human body is a very sensitive system responsible for gaseous exchange whereby oxygen is taken in as carbon(iv)dioxide is eliminated from the body.

It has various functions apart from the obvious ones as i am going to list them below.

(1)Regulation of blood ph

(2)Voice production

(3)Ability to taste


(5)Prevention against micro organisms due to presence of mucus.

Human respiratory system is divided into two parts that is upper tract and lower tract.Upper tracts is composed of parts such as nose,pharynx and associated structures while lower tract composing of larynx,trachea,bronchi and lungs.

Further we have respiratory and conducting zone whereby conducting zone is the passage way for air movement.Trachea to terminal bronchioles is ciliated for removal of debris.

Respiratory zone begin at bronchioles all the way to the alveoli making it appropriate site for gaseous exchange.Alveoli has different types of cells that performs different functions for example.

(1)Type i alveolar cells

(2)Type ii alveolar cells

(3)Alveolar macrophages

Therefore it is a responsibility of each and every one of us to take care of the respiratory system by avoiding smoking and to practice using face mask for those who have allergies problems so that you may remain safe.

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Content created and supplied by: Nathoo (via Opera
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