28 C
Thursday, April 25, 2024

4 V@ginal Facts Every Woman Should Know Before It’s Too Late

The [email protected] canal is the most sensitive organ in a woman’s body since it’s has muscles, nerves and mucous like membranes. The [email protected] canal connects the uterus and cervix to the exterior of the body, allowing for menstruation, s*xual activity, and giving birth.

In this article am going to share the 4 [email protected] facts that every woman should know.

Every woman does not have a consistent [email protected] appearance.

The [email protected] canal changes its appearance every now and then, meaning it’s dynamic. The inner two-thirds of the [email protected] behave differently than the outer third: only the inners lengthen.

Every woman has her own [email protected] smell

Depending on the kind of nutrition, the clothes you wear, her gland secretions, level of hygiene, and her unique blend of internal germs, every woman smells slightly different. But you can talk to your doctor if the smell is too much or not normal since it might indicate infection.

The [email protected] scent determines on what kind of food you eat.

If you think that washing with scented soap can leave you smelling nice then not true. Any unpleasant smell or pleasant smell from their is a sign of your diet. There is some anecdotal evidence that we are what we eat when it comes to the aroma of our lady parts. For example, it is widely believed that eating pineapple will make your [email protected] smell sweeter. Garlic, onion, and fish, as well as cheese and chiles, are thought to affect vaginal odor.

Kegel exercise can tighten your [email protected] muscles not be loose.

According to research is that doing regular exercise like kegel can help tighten your muscles and keep you health. This kegel exercises are also known as pelvic floor exercises. They’re usually used to treat a person with urinary incontinence, but it’s also good for your organ.

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Content created and supplied by: Carolkerry (via Opera
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