Priscilla Opoku Agyemang, widely known as Ahuofe Patri, has shared her struggles with family members who are excessively focused on her personal relationship.
In a recent interview with Felicia Osei, she discussed the challenges of dealing with this pressure, particularly during family events.
he Ghanaian actress, known for her role as Patricia in Kofi Asamoah’s The Adventures of Kalybos, is one of the most popular female celebrities in Ghana.
Ahuofe Patri recently opened up about her personal life, expressing her belief that the right man is out there for her.
Despite her hopes, the actress is determined not to be swayed by the expectations of her family members.
She revealed that many have urged her to lower her standards and accept any proposal so she can marry and start a family.
There were rumors suggesting she was dating her colleague Kalybos, who recently got married. Ahuofe Patri denied these rumors, clarifying that she was never romantically involved with him.
She also noted that if people thought she was linked with Kalybos, it would simply indicate that both had excelled in their roles.