Drug addiction is very prevalent in the youths of late. There are many reasons why people resort to drugs. Some people use drugs due to depression, anxiety, family issues and peer pressure among others. Am exclusive interaction with one drug addict revealed that some people use glue to get on high.
Was honoured to get the chance and interact with one drug addict called Padi. I asked him why the many people who are into drugs are the youth. His response was “Charle pressure oo, you work hard then you need to get the things to make you strong”. What he meant was, they do drugs to help them get the strength to work. When I asked him what substance they use, he said, “wee, coke, Tramol and Super Glue”. Was very surprised when he mentioned Glue because I have never heard of that before.
He concluded by saying that the smoke of the glue is very strong so it makes them very high.
This is how far addiction has taken some of our brothers and sisters. I strongly believe we should in our small way interact with such people and advise them. Have a nice day and keep your comments coming on this article.
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