Ghana to assemble electric vehicles, motorbikes


Statistics show that Carbon dioxide emissions contributes to the gradual depletion of the ecosystem Statistics show that Carbon dioxide emissions contributes to the gradual depletion of the ecosystem

The goal to significantly reduce carbon emissions in order to protect the environment has resulted in several corporations across the globe manufacturing appliances and vehicles to cut down on harmful emissions.

Statistics show that Carbon dioxide emissions contributes the largest to the gradual depletion of the ecosystem.

In the EU for example, transport is responsible for nearly 30 percent of total Carbon dioxide emissions, of which 72% comes from road transportation.

A report from European parliament indicates that the EU has set a goal to reduce the emissions from transport by 60 percent by 2050.

Africa and by extension Ghana are heavy importers of fossil-fuel powered vehicles which have been reported to be a major source of high emissions.

In view of this, CEO of Agilitee Africa, a South Africa based green tech company says his outfit is on the verge of introducing an electric-vehicle assembling plant in Ghana.

Dr Mandla Lamba, in a virtual interaction with the media, said Ghana was chosen because of the potential of its automobile industry and the need to extend eco-friendly smart solutions to West Africa.

“We are currently concluding transactions to begin full operations with highly reputable businesses in Ghana. We believe Ghana is more ready for this Green revolution.

Ghana’s president has been doing his part not only for Ghana but the entire continent.

“We are looking forward to penetrating the Ghanaian market, where people will be able to use electric appliances that harness 10% of energy. It can be used anywhere, even with solar energy,” Dr Lamba explained.

Services Agilitee Africa offer include production of electric vehicles, battery swapping stations and solar charging facilities.

Other benefits the Ghanaian market will obtain will include provision of eco-friendly products such as solar appliances like television as well as a business that creates 1000 jobs in just one and half years.

“We aim to change the continent by driving clean energy solutions and carbon reduction. The Agilitee team is pioneering, researching, importing, assembling, manufacturing, and franchising electric vehicles technology.

“We have also found ways to produce home appliances and electronics that do not consume too much electricity,” he added.


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