Pure Talent: Meet The Young Female Mechanic


Talent is not just intelligence. Talent depends on how intelligence is used: facing problems, seeking information, the ability to generate solutions, the virtue of action, decisive intelligence, practical intelligence, the courage to dare to put the chosen solution into practice. Scientific knowledge solves only theoretical problems. Practical problems are solved with action, seeking the solution and applying it.

Concerning Education and talents, I think the importance of talent is greater. I understand that in today’s world, a degree is frequently given more weight than talent; but, it is what allows you to obtain that degree. Furthermore, if you’re gifted in a certain sector, you might not need a degree to acquire a good job or prove yourself. Another means through which a child can achieve success in life is through talent. People often go to school to obtain degrees, but those who excel at music, art, or sports may become wealthy.

Many youngsters her age yearn for confectionery, while others choose to spend their time watching cartoons or playing outside, but Susanna Apekor is different. Susanna is now a motorbike repair professional, and she claims that she can teach anyone how to fix a motorcycle at her age. She is currently in third grade, so she attends lessons with other students and then changes clothes and goes to work after school.

Susanne was given motor skills training, but her father and mother permitted their son to go to school. Are you prepared to teach your son, who is Susanne’s age? Would you allow your child to pursue her or his education or talent? I believe it is past time for the educational system to incorporate both technical and formal education into all facets of life in order to mold future generations toward the country’s progress as well as their own personal well being.

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Pure Talent


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