SYND targets children with Children 4 Climate project


A youth-led environment NGO, Strategic Youth Network for Development (SYND) has relaunched the Children 4 Climate (C4C) program to promote climate action and education among children in Ghana.

According to the C4C Project Officer, Sarfoh Danquah, the program began in 2019 but was “truncated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore, the need to relaunch it on 4th December 2021 with high expectations of protecting our environment as a whole.”

Managing Director for Jack and Jill School, Mr. Kojo Kwakye, in his address to participants, lamented how urbanization has led to the loss of butterflies, insects, among others.

He added that some plants in the environment which supported human survival have also been affected.

He, therefore, advised participants and children to use energy efficiently, switch to renewable energy, as well as recycle, reuse.

“You must always turn the light off when we leave the room. There are so many little things we need to start doing…We need to ask ourselves the things that we can do and share them together. We will have so many lovely things to do to keep our environment clean.”

Mr Danquah added that “it is on this premise that C4C is so important for children to be empowered and educated early enough to play their key roles in the fight against climate change since they are most vulnerable & will be on this planet longer than adults. This is a call to action & an invitation we extend to all concerned citizens & relevant stakeholders to protect the environment for our children.”

The C4C is one of SYNDs flagship programs which focuses on empowering children to become eco-conscious.

Jack and Jill School
Jack and Jill School
Wisdom Ways Academy
Wisdom Ways Academy

The program organised at Milkin Hotel hosted young students from Jack and Jill School and Wisdom Ways Academy located at Airport Residential and Bohye respectively.


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