It Is An Offence To Have Sex And Make Noise, You Can Be Arrested For That- Lawyer Maurice Ampaw


Lawyer Maurice Ampaw is one of the knowledgeable lawyers in Ghana. His legal brain is one of the top notch. He is one lawyer who has helped in the interpretation of the law to the people of Ghana. He is mostly seen on TV educating people on the laws of the country.

Lawyer Maurice Ampaw was featured on UTV’s United Showbiz where he showed his legal prowess on the show. One revelation which he made has gotten a lot of people talking.

Lawyer Maurice Ampaw revealed on the show that it is an offence to have coitus with your partner and you make a lot of noise in the form of moaning. He explained that if you make such noise you can disturb the sleep of your neigbour and if your neighbour decides to report you, you can be arrested for infringing on his right.After Lawyer Maurice Ampaw made this revelation, a lot of people also expressed their views on it.

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Maurice Ampaw


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