Sista Afia Hints On Legalizing Weed Instead Of LGBTQ And Prostitution If She’s Given The Power » ™


Ghanaian musician cum songwriter Francisca Gawugah, better known as Sista Afia has indicated that she will legalize marijuana instead of prostitution and LGBTQ+ in Ghana if she’s given the power.

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Explaining why she would choose Marijuana over prostitution and LGBTQ, Sista Afia opined that most guys like marijuana so if she has the power then she will legalize it in Ghana

Meanwhile, the Anti-LGBTQ Bill which was submitted to the Parliament by Sam George and some other MP’s is still yet to be passed

The Anti-LGBTQ Bill prime motive is to criminalize LGBTQ+ and its related activities which has since raised many suggestions from Ghanaians

Some Ghanaians have reacted that the LGBTQ+ and its activities should be criminalized whiles others also think it’s against human rights.

On the other hand, marijuana has been legalized for only industries purpose in Ghana by the Narcotic Control Commission

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