SHS girl caught on tape forcing to kiss boyfriend during class hours-Video


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The crop of Senior High School students of this generation is just something else. A good number of them have no regard for morals or whatsoever.

Gone are the days where having a boyfriend in the SHS level was taboo in our African setting but now due to the so-called ’21st Century umbrella’, current SHS students do things their way as it pleases them.

Well, let me end it here, I could write more you know but I choose to end it here for the future which cometh sooner than anticipated. My thoughts have been provoked by a video sighted online.

A viral video circling across all social media platforms sees a young SHS lady trying to kiss a guy who was seated amid her classmates who were all girls.

The lady, in the classroom, tried to kiss the guy while her other friends watched and some took a video. The boy who was not ready for the action never surrendered to the lady’s demand.

According to the commentary heard in the video, the lady has been chasing the guy for some time now but he was not ready to go into a relationship with the lady.

Watch the video below;


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