Mad rush by Gyakie Chans as Gyakie promises to take a fan out on a dinner date » ™


Gyakie fan on dinner

Gyakie has kept many of her Gyakie Chans, as she chooses to call her fans, in suspense after she expressed her desire to go out on a dinner date with one of them.

Taking to her Twitter handle, Gyakie made her fans privy to her willingness to take one lucky fan on a dinner date.

Fast forward, lots of her fans have expressed interest in going on a dinner date with the songstress.

Gyakie tweeted in Twi: “Mep3 s3 me de me fan baako k) dinner date” to wit, “I want to send one of [my] fans on a dinner date”.

However, Gyakie did not mention the location of her upcoming dinner date, but chances are higher that it might be her home region which is Kumasi or Accra.



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