NLA completes pre-qualification phase for licensing private lotto operators


The National Lottery Authority (NLA) says it has completed the pre-qualification phase for private lotto operators for the 2021/2022 licensing year.

In a statement, the NLA said all such operators who duly submitted completed pre-qualification forms to the Authority are to contact the Operations Office at the NLA for the licensing application forms and payment terms.

The deadline for submission of all the completed licensing application forms and payment is October 29, 2021.

However, licensing of Operators of Private Lotto (OPLs) for the 2021/2022 licensing year will commence on November 1, 2021.

“NLA would like to encourage OPLs to take steps to regularize their operations”, the statement added.

Meanwhile, the NLA has assured that effective November 1, 2021, it will begin collaborating with the security services to clamp down on all unlicensed lottery operators to sanitize the lotto industry.

Below is the full statement from NLA:


The National Lottery Authority (NLA) wishes to announce the completion of the Pre-Qualification phase for licensing of all operators of private lotto (OPL) for the 2021/2022 licensing year.

Subsequently, all OPls who submitted their duly completed Pre-Qualification Forms to NLA are hereby requested to contact the Operations Office at the NLA Head Office, Fortune House First floor, Accra for Licensing Application Forms and Payment Terms.

The deadline for submission of duly completed Licensing Application Forms and for making payments is October 29, 2021. Licensing of OPLs for the 2021/2022 licensing year will commence on November 1, 2021.

NLA would like to encourage OPLs to take steps to regularize their operations. Effective 1st November 2021, NLA, in collaboration with the security services, will clamp down on all unlicensed lottery operators to sanitize the lotto industry.




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