Serial laptop thief reportedly returns loot after being captured on CCTV


General News of Saturday, 9 October 2021



The suspect is wanted by the policeThe suspect is wanted by the police

The serial laptop thief who is on the run appears to have beaten a retreat after returning the items he stole in his latest operation at DCL Laboratory Products Limited.

Barely 48 hours after news emerged that he has successfully undertaken another operation at the aforementioned facility, he has reportedly returned the items.

According to a post by Dela Russel Ocloo of the Daily Graphic, the items were returned to the facility by a delivery person.

The journalist said the suspected thief gave the goods to an unsuspecting person who happens to live in the same vicinity as the company.

“It seems our serial laptop thief has been monitoring social media. I am told he returned the laptops to the DCL Laboratories through a third party this afternoon.

“I am reliably informed that he picked a random guy in the vicinity where the company is located, gave him an amount of GHC50 as a gift and convinced the guy to deliver the laptops to the security at the company where he claimed to be a worker.

“According to his delivery person, Mr thief said he was running late for a meeting elsewhere but needed to just drop the laptops in the office at the company.

“Mr Thief who was said to be riding in a Bolt vehicle stood by the car which parked at a distance and watched the delivery person handed over the devices to the security man before leaving the vicinity in the Bolt ride,” part of his post read.

There is however good news as the delivery guy gave the company leads about the man.

“The delivery person is said to have given descriptions that fitted the personality of the images of Mr Thief which were recorded on the CCTV.”

The man is said to be on the run after he allegedly stole laptops and other equipment the headquarters of the Bulk Oil Storage Transportation (BOST) company in Accra.


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