Beautiful bridesmaids show massive energy as they jam and sings Black Sherif’s ‘Second Sermon’ word for word » ™


Beautiful bridesmaids show massive energy as they jam and sings Black Sherif's 'Second Sermon' word for word

Weddings have nowadays become the avenues where bridesmaids showcase their talents through singing, dancing, twerking and doing all sorts of undescribable things.

In a video going viral on social media, some beautiful bridesmaids decided to let those around know they are really good singers and also fans of Blak Sherif.

Whiles, they had fun, they jammed and sang Black Sherif’s ‘Second Sermon’ word for word. Their energy level is what gingered those around to cheer them on.

See the video below;

Nana Yaw

Passion is what drives one to push more for what he wishes to become. A writer who puts hard work into whatever he does. With speed and accuracy, I write to the desire of our reader. GhBase.Com.

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