Rt Rev Anyani Boadu speaks on Lighthouse, IMANI lawyer & $12m settlement claim


1. This is a Rejoinder triggered by your publication of 24th August 2021, titled “LIGHTHOUSE BROUHAHA, IMANI LAWYER KOFI BENTIL EXPOSED OVER $12 M SETTLEMENT DEAL” in which my name was mentioned. I hope that this Rejoinder would set the records straight.

2. I am moved to send this rejoinder to bring clarity to what transpired in a Mediation Committee I put together to secure an out-of-court settlement in the case between the Lighthouse Chapel and the ex-pastors of the Lighthouse Chapel. And, to help clarify some points raised in your publication. Such sensitive issues need to be properly verified for accuracy before being published.

3. It is particularly sad that my efforts at settlement which were conducted in an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality between men of God, had been LEAKED into the public space and erroneously misapplied out of context. Such leakages, negatively impacts on Christian counselling and frustrates persons of goodwill who sacrifice to secure peace in such circumstances.

4. I have a personal relationship with the Managing Partner of Lex Praxis Incorporated, Lawyer Kofi Bentil spanning a period of over 30 years. Indeed, I have been a Pastor to him, and quite close to his family.

5. I called Lawyer Kofi Bentil myself to enquire about this case which was likely to adversely affect the whole body of Christ. He responded and attended to my call.

6. I had a discussion on the issues, and Lawyer Kofi Bentil explained his position (and that of his clients) to me clearly. I called Bishop Dag Heward -Mills and informed him that I had spoken to Lawyer Kofi Bentil (who was then with me). I explained to Bishop Dag Heward -Mills that I called the Lawyer to find ways of seeking an out of court settlement.

7. Bishop Dag Heward -Mills said to me that he didn’t know exactly what the ex-Pastors were actually looking for, and so I should find out from them and inform him.

8. I therefore informed Lawyer Kofi Bentil that Bishop Dag Heward-Mills had asked me to mediate and revert. Lawyer Kofi Bentil responded that out of reverence for me and our long association, he would cooperate with the mediation process.

9. I suggested to Bishop Dag Heward – Mills that I would include other concerned Bishops of the Apostolic Fellowship of which Bishop Dag Heward -Mills is a member. Bishop Dag Heward -Mills agreed and so 2 other Bishops (Bishops Tackie Yarboi and Titi Offei) were added to assist me in the process.

10. These Bishops and I engaged Lawyer Kofi Bentil and his clients over almost one (1) month where we sought to understand the issues at stake and give the necessary advice in our bid to settle the matter out of court.

11. I confirm that Lawyer Kofi Bentil and the six ex pastors agreed to settle the matter out of court if Lighthouse Chapel International would sit with them and hear out their grievances and accept to compensate them.

12. At all material times, I had to report to Bishop Dag Heward -Mills and update him on proceedings which I did as part of my duty whilst observing the confidentiality expected of us as senior clergymen, into whose hands the parties had entrusted this process.

13. As part of the settlement process, we insisted that Lawyer Kofi Bentil should give us an idea of the compensations and other reliefs they wanted in figures. Lawyer Kofi Bentil resisted that request and said they had deliberately omitted monetary figures in their claims because it could easily be misconstrued. He further added that this case was not just about money, but about justice and bringing reforms to the lighthouse church.

14. However, Lawyer Bentil later gave us an idea of a possible figure which according to him was modelled around one of the church’s documents. This figure which came up was $12m. This was communicated to Bishop Dag Heward-Mills not as a formal request from the Ex- Pastors, but as a calculation of a possible outcome. Lawyer Kofi Bentil further stated that both parties could meet to agree mutually on some figures if goodwill prevailed at subsequent meetings between the two parties.

15. Subsequently, upon reflection, I personally invited Lawyer Kofi Bentil to my office and asked if he will consider forgetting his calculations for financial settlement and submit to a settlement as between Christians. I offered to arrange so that we the mediating Bishops will see to the restoration of the relationships between the parties so as to stop the animosity between them. Lawyer Kofi Bentil agreed and confirmed that if we could expand the college of mediating Bishops, and invite Lighthouse and their lawyers, he will meet them without precondition for financial settlement to seek an amicable resolution of the matter. This was made known to the mediating Bishops. This new position was communicated to Bishop Dag Heward Mills.

16. Bishop Dag Heward Mills expressed his willingness to meet the ex-pastors as a father to resolve the issues but was not sure how much would be enough to satisfy them if he had to agree to Lawyer Kofi Bentil’s proposal “since they want money so much”. Bishop Dag Heward Mills further stated that for this meeting with the ex-pastors and the expanded mediating committee proposed by Lawyer Kofi Bentil to be possible, Lawyer Kofi Bentil had to unilaterally withdraw the case from court. I communicated this to Lawyer Kofi Bentil in the presence of Bishop Tackie Yarboi and he refused the suggestion of Bishop Dag Heward Mills. At this stage, I deemed the mediation process to have broken down.

17. Let me add at this juncture, that at the insistence of Bishop Dag Heward -Mills, I solely attended the meetings held with Lighthouse Chapel International. However, I duly briefed my fellow Bishops before and after these meetings. Let me also state that, at all material times, my meetings at the Lighthouse Chapel International were held with Bishop Dag Heward Mills and at times with a lady Lawyer at the Bishop’s office. At no time did Rev. Kwesi Dei who narrated the story to your paper ever sit in our meetings.

18. In conclusion,

a. I wish to confirm that I have not communicated any FORMAL FINANCIAL DEMAND from the ex-Pastors of Lighthouse church as published by this newspaper. All matters discussed were part of the settlement process, and no formal deal or conclusion was arrived. I am surprised that such vital information was withheld as your report inconsistently concludes.

b. I also confirm that I have received consistent assurances from Lawyer Kofi Bentil that he and his clients are ready to settle this matter out of court.

c. This is a matter not between just church members but Men of God, and I believe as the Bible says, if the elders of the church are called, this matter can be settled without the court coming in.

d. Unfortunately, the matter is already in court, and the court has suggested that the parties seek an out of court settlement. It is therefore not necessary for the social media war to continue. I think we should redirect our energies towards finding a lasting solution to this matter out of court as the Bible requires and preserve the integrity and sanctity of the Body of Christ. No church or human institution is perfect, but as the Body of Christ, we should not allow such matters to degenerate in this manner.

e. I am calling upon the Body of Christ, to sit with the parties and resolve this matter amicably. I will continue to hold myself ready to be part of any such process. I hope my name and good intention will not be made part of any war of words or accusations.

Rt. Rev Dr Anyani Boadum

Founder/General Overseer, Jesus Generation Ministries.

Cc: ​Faith Chambers, 16th Kojo Thompson Avenue, Adabraka, Accra


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