Animal control officers untangle owl, turtle stuck together in Virginia


July 15 (UPI) — The Animal Welfare League of Arlington untangled an owl and turtle that got stuck together.

AWL Arlington discovered the animals were stuck together after receiving a call about an owl in a resident’s back yard that could not fly, prompting Deputy Animal Control Officer Ryan Robinson to investigate, KOMO News reported.

Robinson found the owl with a claw clamped between the turtle’s top and bottom shell, and brought them back to the shelter, where he and Chief of Animal Control Jennifer Toussaint dislodged the claw to gently separate the two.

“This was a first for our Animal Control team — an owl and a turtle stuck together!” AWL Arlington tweeted with link to TikTok video of the team’s separation of the animals.

“The owl had a minor injury and the turtle was uninjured,” a video caption shows.

A licensed wildlife rehabilitator will take care of them until they can be released back into the wild.


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