The hair benefits of CBD


By Thobile Mazibuko Time of article publishedJun 5, 2021

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In the past few years, we have seen the rise of natural hair products.

The most recent is cannabis oil, which is added to many hair products. Cannabidiol (CBD) has many benefits such as helping with insomnia, anxiety and many others, but today, we look at the hair benefits it has.

People who make beauty products don’t directly add cannabis to their products. Instead, they use sativa seed oil.

What is sativa seed oil?

It is the oil that is extracted from hemp. Hemp is a strain of the cannabis sativa plant, grown specifically for the industrial and therapeutic uses of its derived products. It contains less than 0.3% of the psychoactive THC and higher concentrations of cannabidiol.

How does it benefit the hair?

Sativa seed oil helps to prevent dry scalp. Now that it’s winter, the skin tends to be dry, and the scalp is no exception. When the scalp is dry, it’s easier for the hair to break, resulting in hair loss. Also, it promotes hair growth. The properties found in sativa oil can stimulate hair growth, resulting in richer, fuller hair.

Where to find it?

After the Department of Health made the historic decision of making CBD available for wholesale distribution in South Africa in 2019, many brands like Faithful To Nature, Goodleaf, and Dr Organic seized the opportunity and started making CBD products. Most of the products can be bought at leading retailers and selected pharmacies.

Local hair care brand Jabu Stone recently launched a new hair range that is infused with cannabis sativa seed oil.


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