Angry parents at Laerskool Theresapark carry principal out of school


By James Mahlokwane Time of article published11m ago

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Pretoria – The police were called to Laerskool Theresapark this morning as frustrated parents attempted to chase away the school principal for allegedly abusing other educators and running the school into financial ruin.

A video taken by one of the parents shows angry parents carrying the school principal with her office chair out of the administration office before she falls off the chair.

Parents are still outside waiting for officials from the Intervention Unit of the Department of Education who are said to be on the way to deal with the issue and address the parents who demand answers and feedback today.

The principal has locked herself in her office and the local police are monitoring the situation to prevent further confrontation, as parents say “intervention or without intervention, the principal must go.”

A message circulated by parents claimed that Laerskool Theresapark has been experiencing a lot of resignations by teachers and at some point between several left the school in one month.

“The school seems to be running into financial problems and it seems there is financial mismanagement at the school.

“The previous School Governing Body experienced multiple resignations as well this year in March.

“Our kids are exposed to a toxic work environment when their teachers are bullied day in and out and parents are treated like nobodies by the principal.”

Parents said the principal basically ran the school by fear and had no respect for anybody.

“The principal withheld the results and announcement of a new SGB, while she continues to do as she likes with appointing contractors and service providers without contracts.

“The previous financial budget was presented without actuals. So there are many issues at this school and the SGB needs every parent’s support.

“Some concerned parents drafted a memorandum of demands to the principal and set a deadline but the principal ignored the deadlines and answered after hearing we are now after her.”

Parents claim to also have a voice clip that can help people hear how she talks to teachers and staff, after she said she never shouts at them.

Pretoria News

Credit IOL


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