Meet 10-Year-Old Gymnast With Sculpted Six-Pack Abs — — –


Lyza Brooks Mosier

Lyza Brooks Mosier | News .com

10-year-old Lyza Brooks Mosier from Georgia has internet users amazed with her toned physique as she boasts of chiseled six-pack abs.

The youngster who started gymnastic training when she was just 4-years-old wakes up at 5.30 to train since falling in love with strength workouts last summer.

Although she has always been in great physical shape, her physique became impressive in the past year as she now works out for about 30 hours a week, five days a week.

“Lyza is completely self-motivated as she wants to become the best of the best,” the girl’s mother, Jill, told Caters News. “She stays on top of her game by getting up at 5:30am to train – we have set up all sorts of gymnastics stations in our storage room where she would go for hours to workout.”

Lyza Brooks Mosier

Lyza Brooks Mosier |

Lyza’s parents have met with some criticism for pushing the 10-year-old too hard and robbing her of her childhood but Jill insists that they have nothing to do with Lyza’s intense training.

“She loves hearing that she inspires others however we also get the occasional mean person as well who say we shouldn’t make her train so much, but I assure you, we have nothing to do with this – I have four kids and Lyza begs to workout,” Jill Mosier said.

Lyza’s dedication to her amazing physique has garnered over 50,000 Instagram followers whose comments show they are inspired by the youngster.

Lyza is not alone when it comes to children with muscular physiques at young ages.

Last week, we wrote about Arat Hosseini, a 6-year-old Iranian boy with an incredible physique.


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