Gloria Kani apologizes after exposing Tracey Boakye


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Gloria Kani has apologized to the general public, leaders of the Christian faith as well as her ministry after exposing Tracey Boakye.

The evangelist has been heavily bashed by colleague ministers and some renowned men of God after her recent showings on social media.

According to an insider who Ghpage contacted, renowned Preachers across Ghana and the world are set to dissociate with Gloria as her calling has been questioned.

”She has scathed the title evangelist with her ranting on social media about Tracey. It is absolutely unacceptable for a preacher to reveal the secrets of someone in such a manner. Assume, a daughter from her ministry consults her and tells Gloria her problem. What is the guarantee that she will not end up exposing her like she just did with Tracey?”, the preacher said.

However, Gloria has issued an apology to leaders of the Christian faith, preachers worldwide, and to the general public for her unchristlike behaviour.

She said in a new video, ”Today marks my third anniversary in ministry. It is supposed to be the happiest day of my life but at the same time, I am really sad. Everyone who has supported me from day one since I became born again, Thank You. Anyone who is disappointed in me for my actions I am so sorry.”

Gloria added that she is only human and she should not be judged by her actions but by her words.


Furthermore, she insisted that she had received even more power to pursue her ministry as an evangelist.

”I am not a quitter, I am a fighter. The devil has given me even more strength to serve God to my last breath”, She said.