President Ramaphosa To Address South Africans Tonight


South African President- Cyril Ramaphosa will on Sunday 12th June, 2020 in the evening address its citizens after almost losing the fight against the deadly coronavirus.

The virus in South Africa has increased in such a way that every week there are cases of deaths.

In view of that, the Gauteng municipality has decided to prepare 1 million graveyards in preparation for the coronavirus as it is said that South Africa has not reached its peak of coronavirus yet. 

Meanwhile, President Cyril Ramaphosa, has announced that there are different levels of corona virus and South Africa has moved to lockdown level 3 on the 1st of June 2020. That included resturants to fully operate for sit ins and Guest houses and Bnbs but the president did not release the official date for resuming. 

Ever since schools reopened in the country, a lot of children have contracted the deadly virus with some head of schools also testing positive for the virus.

There has not yet been a cure to heal this virus but South Africans are advised to wear their mask all the time, sanitize hands and stay safe.

South African currently have recorded 264K cases with 128K recoveries.

Meanwhile, 3,971 persons have died after contracting the virus.

Below is the breakdown of the cities with most cases.

Gauteng 81,546
Western Cape 74,815
Eastern Cape 44,432
KwaZulu-Natal 19,630
North West 7,870

Source: ghgossip