Coronavirus Is A Bad Gift From China


The president of the United State Of America, Donald Trump is never taking back his word on labelling the deadly coronavirus as a made virus by the chinese to destroy the life of the people around the world.

The US is the country to be hard hit by the virus since it ermergence in the world. It recently passed the 100,000 mark as the number of deaths recorded, the highest among all death cases around the world.

There has been 1,768,698 confirmed cases, 498,673 recoveries and 103,344 deaths in the country. Brazil follows as the latest country to be hit with the virus. The novel coronavirus has succeeded in jeopardizing the life of people around the world, irrespective of power, status or class.

In view of this, President Donald Trump is convinced that the virus was created by the chinese government to rip the world . He took to twitter to relate the virus to a bad gift from China to the world.

Check tweet below: