Apostle Suleiman Expresses Support For Operation Amotekun


Apostle Suleiman
Apostle Suleiman

Apostle Johnson Suleiman, founder of Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide has said that he is in support of the establishment of southwest’s security outfit, Operation Amotekun.

Apostle Suleiman
Apostle Suleiman

The cleric who gave his backing to the southwest governor and on the new initiative said anything that would ensure the safety of lives and properties would be supported by him.

Also Read: Southwest Governors Turning Amotekun Into A Christian Militia: MURIC

Speaking on why he threw his weight behind Southwest’s security outfit, the cleric explained that the people of Southwest have a right to float their security outfit, saying that the Attorney General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami is not a law court.

See his tweet below: