Diasporans Show NPP Love


The team showing the 4More4Nana sign

A pro-New Patriotic Party (NPP) grouping, Diaspora Patriots in Ghana (DPG), has thrown its weight behind President Akufo-Addo in next week’s polls after making a hefty donation to the party in Accra.

The group, made up of individuals from various academic and professional backgrounds from the Diaspora, said the decision to endorse the candidature of President Akufo-Addo and support his campaign was borne out of the life-changing policies his government had implemented since assuming the reins of power four years ago.

At a press conference held on Tuesday at the Accra Digital Centre, chairman of the group, Prince Sefah, highlighted some of the key interventions and achievements of the Akufo-Addo-led administration which included the popular Free Senior High School (SHS) educational policy; Planting for Food and Jobs; One District, One Factory; construction of modernized railway systems; provision of modern ambulances to all the 275 constituencies in the country among others.

These, he stressed, were enough evidence that given another term of four years, President Akufo-Addo would do more for the good people of Ghana.

Mr. Sefah also accused the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its flag bearer, former President John Dramani Mahama, of corruption, which he claimed contributed to the party’s unprecedented loss in the 2016 general elections.

He said the NDC loss was not a coincidence but rather a result of poor governance occasioned by an “anemic economy” and unbridled corruption.

He also alleged that the NDC was the only party in Ghana in the fourth republic that had had over thirty of its appointees convicted of corruption while in power.

“Such a leader will not be re-elected from the Diaspora perspective,” he fired.

On infrastructure, the DPG Chairman posited that unlike the NDC, the NPP was constructing six interchanges across the country within four years, whereas the NDC did just two interchanges in eight years; adding that even with that the NDC spent more money on the two interchanges than the six that the NPP was constructing.

“For the NDC, such projects are avenues for them to loot,” he remarked.


The group, following the press conference, donated some items to the party’s campaign chest.

The items included 100 solar lamps, 4,000 Akufo-Addo customized t-shirts, 300 face caps, 200 face shields and 10 megaphones as well as 10 motorbikes.

By Nii Adjei Mensahfio



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