Prosecutors will use ‘all possible means’ to bring Isabel dos Santos back to Angola


Pretoria – Angola’s prosecutor general Helder Pitra Gros has vowed to use “all possible means” to bring back businesswoman Isabel dos Santos to answer charges relating to the siphoning hundreds of millions of public funds into offshore accounts, the Guardian has reported. 

Dubbed Africa’s richest woman, the billionaire daughter of former president Jose Eduardo dos Santos left Angola in 2017 after her father stepped down and current president Joao Lourenco ascended to power.

Gros reportedly told Angolan public radio on Monday that the oil rich African nation would use all means including activating international mechanisms to bring dos Santos back to the country.

The 46-year-old businesswoman is accused of funneling state into her overseas assets. Last month, prosecutors froze bank accounts owned by dos Santos – nicknamed “The Princess” – and her Congolese husband Sindika Dokolo. 

Despite the freeze and the ongoing investigation, dos Santos has expressed interest in running for the presidency in Angola, a position her father held for 38 years.