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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Hot Audio: Asiedu Nketia encouraging stupidity in our politics – John Boadu

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Acting General Secretary of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) is appalled at the defense being mounted by his colleague in the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketia for popular serial caller, Appiah Stadium.

John Boadu wondered why such an experience politician will “encourage such stupidity” even when the offender has shown remorse and is even begging for clemency.

Appiah Stadium born Frank Kwaku Appiah is currently in police grips for branding President Akufo-Addo as a marijuana smoker.

In an audio when has gone viral on social media, the vociferous serial caller sympathetic to the NDC is heard saying who would have demonstrated how the President smokes the banned substance at the UN General Assembly if he had the opportunity to be there.

When the issue broke, he was invited by National Security and quickly rendered an unqualified apology promising not to repeat his mistakes.

But a day after the apology, Police in the Ashanti Regional capital, Kumasi arrested Appiah Stadium to substantiate the allegation.

However, Mr. Asiedu Nketia peeved at the arrest said the serial caller only expressed his opinion. General Mosquito as he is popularly called maintained that, if President Akufo-Addo feels offended, he should seek redress in court.

Speaking on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Tuesday, John Boadu was extremely shock at the conduct of Asiedu Nketia.

He could not fathom why instead of scolding Appiah Stadium for abusing the President, he is rather encouraging him to do more.

“No elder worth his salt will back such stupidity in politics and Asiedu Nketia as an elder should know better” he fumed.

John Boadu who is also the National Organizer of the NPP said the NDC scribe has no moral right to teach government about free speech

Asiedu Nketia is now an advocate for free speech when he together with some NDC members vehemently kicked against the repeal of the Criminal Libel Law. He is not qualified to give us lectures on free speech” he added.

John Boadu urged the media to focus on the bread and butter issues confronting Ghana than making Appiah Stadium unnecessarily popular.

Listen to John Boadu

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