18.1 C
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Hot Audio: Samini calls Becca “witch” on live radio

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Dance hall artiste Samini nearly lost control live on Takoradi-based Empire Radio recently.

This was after a lady called in and said she had exchanged contacts with Samini after meeting him at the National Theatre last year.

She said they planned meeting but Samini did not show up and blocked her number.

Samini, who appeared surprised at her comments, asked her if he proposed love to her.

When the lady replied in the affirmative, Samini called her a “witch”.

After venting and denying the allegations, Samini called the lady a witch only for the lady to reveal her identity as singer Becca.

This appears to be a prank Becca and the host of the programme decided to pull on Samini.


Listen to the drama below:


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