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I will storm IGP’s office – Anyidoho threatens

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General News of Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Source: adomonline.com


Depty Gen Sec Koku AnyidohoKoku Anyidoho

Deputy General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Koku Anyidoho has vowed to go to the office of the Inspector General of Police to demand answers if attacks on supporters of the NDC do not stop.

The President during the State of the Nation Address on Tuesday, February 21, 2017, condemned what has been reported to be politicially-motivated attacks on some persons perceived to be members of the NDC.

“Mr Speaker, certain instances occurred during the transition period which are matters of concern to me and should be to every Ghanaian. Wrongdoing has no political colour and I do not subscribe to the lawlessness of political party supporters simply because their party has been elected into office,” he stated.

“Mr Speaker, when those incidences began, I instructed the then Inspector General of Police, John Kudalor, to apply the law irrespective of political affiliation to all law breakers.

This instruction was also carried on to his successor David Asante-Apeatu to act upon it to bring such situation under control,” he said.

The comments of the President, has been hailed by some while others think, it came a little too late. Mr Anyidoho however charged President Akufo-Addo to act rather than just expressing concerns.

“The only statement I heard from the President’s address that made my day was when he condemned the attacks but it should not end there, he should make sure that suspects are brought to book.

“If this violence continue, I will walk straight to the IGPs office and demand answers and make sure he arrest the suspects because President Akufo-Addo instructed him in his address and so he needs to act fast,” he said on Accra based Neat FM.

Mr. Anyidoho however indicated that the nation is sitting on tenterhooks to see how Akufo-Addo intends to role out his Change agenda.

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