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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Photos: Sonnie Badu bags three major honours in New York

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UK-based Ghanaian and international gospel musician, Sonnie Badu is praising God after receiving three major honours in New York.

The award-winning musician, who is currently on his 2017 US Tour, received the three acknowledgements in Brooklyn New York last Sunday.

He was first given the Key to Brooklyn New York by Eric L. Adams, the president of Borough of Brooklyn.

The ‘Wonder God’ hit singer was also awarded Doctor of Divinity by CICA International University and Seminary.

The third major honour Sonnie Badu received was UN Ambassador CDSE (Commander of most Distinguished Order of Special Envoy expert in the field of sacred music).

“You know I’ve become the second Ghanaian musician and the first Gospel artiste to receive the keys to a city in America … so a street could be named after me … the first is Okyeame Kwame,” an elated Sonnie Badu told Myjoyonline.com.

A humbled Minister of the Gospel said on Instagram after the honours that, “Never went to university, but determination held my hands. Today, we have written 15 books, and God has honored us… The world has honored us, America has honored us, And Africa has honoured us. I am still reading about the new office I have assumed and meehhhnnn. All this, over 21 years in ministry has been worth it. The pain, the hurt, the accusations has been worth it, I now understand the saying “No Pain, No Gain” and “No test no testimony….now to you reading this …..I declare to you , that you will be next in line for Gods elevation .. ..H.E. Dr S Badu C.D.S.E#ClassicAfrica #ambassador#AllGloryToGod #SonOfAfrica”

Now called Dr. Sonnie Badu C.D.S.E, the musician gave thumbs up to rapper Okyeame Kwame for also achieving this feat when was given the Key to the City of Cincinnati, Ohio in November 2016.

“When I saw that @okyeamekwame had received keys to the city of Cincinnati, Ohio. I was so happy to see my own brother recognized in the states,” the ‘Covenant Keeping God’ singer said.

He explained that, “Now for those who don’t know, it’s a very big deal to be given keys to a city In a foreign land such as the United States. This means that even a street could be possibly named after you. It comes with so much honor and your name goes into the history books of the city. I never expected to receive something of this sort (To be honest) and guess what? That was the second honor I received on Sunday . The keys to the city of Brooklyn, New York. Listen guys, there is nothing wrong in admiring what is good and desiring it too, once your heart and motive is right and pure, God will grant it to you .. And so I decree and declare, that you make your nation and contininent proud, we are now in the books of history .. Musicians making their nation and continent proud .. #DrBadu #TheNewAfrica#SoundzOfAfrics #TrailBlaizers#ThinkGlobalAndNotLocal #YouCanDoIt#ProudGhanaian.”

Sonnie Badu through his 2017 US Tour, which has seen him visit several cities including New Jersey, Toronto, Houston, Philadelphia, New York, Michigan and Florida, is fostering unity and a stronger bond between Africans in North America.

The tour, which is a worship and word conference, brings together nationals from several African countries under one roof. All venues have brought together nationals from Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia, Congo, Kenya and a host of others.


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