7 Things Your Wife Will DEFINITELY Love From You



Here are 7 Things Your Wife Will Love From You

1. Apologize to her. Fellas, just like me, there is something you have done wrong in the past 7 days. Find out what it is and apologize. Even if you don’t know what it is, apologize.

2. Focus on her. Spend 30-minutes communicating without any distractions. Nothing but you and your spouse. No phones, no computers, no TV, no kids, no music, nothing but the two of you. (Note: do more listening than talking)

3. Feed her. Plan, prepare, serve, and clean-up a meal specifically for your spouse. Make something your spouse likes a lot. Husbands if you don’t have the skills to prep her “fav dish” then try “her fav dish that you prepare.” 🙂

4. Leave her. Set up a time where your spouse can spend a few hours of time to herself. If you have kids, then take the kids somewhere and stay gone for a preset period of time. If she prefers to be out of the house, then help her plan or make arrangements.

5. Join her. Find out one thing that your wife really likes to do and do it with her. If she has a favorite TV show, watch it with her. Favorite hobby or activity, do it with her. Just make sure you do it on her terms (if she likes silence during the show, then no talking!).

6. Relieve her. Your wife has a thousand things to do this week, and a million things on her mind. Be domestic sexy, provide a break for her by taking on at least one thing she normally does.

7. Compliment her. Every day, every week, every month your wife does things that are to be appreciated, but nothing is said. Look for opportunities to compliment your wife on these everyday things, not just the “big” things.
