Gov’t distributes 10,000 waste bins in Volta region

Governmentย  has begun distributing 10,000 waste bins to residents in the Volta Region ahead of the next National Sanitation Day to be held in Ho onย Saturday March 7, 2015.

The distribution of the bins forms part of efforts by the ministry to rid the country of filth.

According to the Deputy Minister of Local Government, Emmanuel Kojo Agyekum, the sanitation day at the Volta Region promises to be one of the best as lessons learnt in the previous exercises will guide the implementation of sanitation day.

He mentioned that the ministry is making efforts to ensure that no refuse is left on the shoulders of the streets after the exercise as have been experienced in previous exercises.

This will be the fourth of the National exercise.ย  It has been held in Greater Accra, Ashanti and Northern regions.

In preparation to the event the Local Government ministry has moved its operations to the Volta Regional Coordinating Council. The ministry will operate from there for the next one week in coordinating the National Sanitation Day.

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