Uphold promises to Ghanaians or be sacked – Mahama to officials


General News of Thursday, 31 December 2015

Source: citifmonline.com

Mahama Fugu CleanPresident John Mahama

President John Dramani Mahama has indicated that officials in his government who fall short of the requirements of his administration will be shown the exit.

According to the president each member of his government is committed to working for the greater good of Ghana and for the welfare of its people.

“Each and every member of this government will uphold the promises that have been made to you, the people whose interest we serve. Those who fall short of that commitment have been and will continue to be asked to tender their resignation and relieved of their responsibilities,” President Mahama added.

Two Ministers [Power and Transport] have in less than a month resigned over issues surrounding their sectors.

Delivering his 2016 New Year Message in Accra on Thursday, President Mahama also urged Ghanaians not to relent on their efforts to making Ghana a better place for all.

“We are closer now than never before to realising the fruits of our patience so let us not surrender our perseverance and the pride of nationalism to negativity or pessimism.”

The President also urged Ghanaians to be optimistic about the coming year.

“…Just us each of us is greeting the new year with the intention of constructive change and expectation of exciting new possibilities in our personal lives, let us also greet it with the same expectations in the life of our nation and let us go forward into 2016 with courage and not caution, with optimism and a faith in our ability to achieve and succeed.”
