Veteran actors plead with Ghanaian producers

Movies of Friday, 2 January 2015

Source: GhanaGist.Com

Super Od Joy

At the 2014 edition of the Ghana Movie Awards, ten veteran Ghanaian actors were honoured with GHC10, 000 each in coupons to the Holy Trinity Spa and Health farm in Sogakope in the Volta Region.

Osofo Dadzie star actor Asonaba Kweku Darko popularly known as Super OD speaking after the honouring asked “Why don’t you come for us to act?”

He continued to complain about what many Ghanaians have constantly complained about how young actors are picked to play older actor’s characters.

“Nigerians have set the pace, if there are older characters in their movies; they don’t let the young ones do that! They call on the older actors who fit the character’s age description to act such roles”.

According to him, the veteran actors are still around to play whatever roles offered them in movies even for lesser fees.

“We are not expensive. We will give you a reduction if you want. If it is Maame Dokono you want please come for her. She can still act. We all still have the ability to fit into the roles you give us to play.”