Ejisu-Juaben assembly expends GH¢17,000 to get water

Lack of pipe-borne water has compelled the Ejisu-Juaben Municipal Assembly to spending about 17,000 Ghana cedis to sink a mechanized borehole each for local communities.

More than twenty towns are expected to benefit from the initiative in the first half of 2015 alone, as the first seven are commissioned at the cost of 60,000 Ghana cedis.

Despite the increasing cosmopolitan nature of the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality and its proximity to Kumasi, the area has no pipe-borne water.

Ofoase, Adako-Jachie, Krofrom, Asuosanso, Onwe and Adumasa are among the last batch of communities to get good drinking water.

Municipal Chief Executive, Afrifah Yamoah Ponkoh, told Nhyira FM the assembly has no option but to invest in bringing relief to people.

“In the absence of that particular national one, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to create our own water systems and they are working perfectly. Now we are in the era of mechanized boreholes so we are going to do that. The coming year will see us doing more for other communities as well. And of course this one too is very costly. The cost involve is very high but we will do everything possible to mobilize resources”. Mr. Yamoah Ponkoh said.

The euphoria and the fanfare that greeted the commissioning of the water projects was enormous.

Beneficiary communities have one thing in common-they lack portable drinking water.

Chiefs and people of Ofoase could not hide their joy as one of the mechanized boreholes was handed over to them.

But one cannot begrudge them because residents who travel on long distances chasing unwholesome water can now heave a sigh of relief as water is brought to their doorsteps.

Odikro, Nana Bugyei II told Nhyira News water until now was a scarce commodity let alone a wholesome one.

Meanwhile, Mr. Yamoah Ponkoh is hopeful the area could be connected to the water supply by Ghana Water Company as he leads talks with officials of the Water Commission.

“Ejisu is very close to Kumasi city but this is how things are happening here and I have taken that matter up. I have even held discussions with the Water Commission and the board so steps are being taken to normalize. The catchment point is at Tech-Junction so all what they need to do is to extend it or connect it at Tech-Junction so that Ejisu and Juabeng get pipe-borne water. It has not happened but hopefully in the near future it will happen”.

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