Theatre Speaks Than Movies

The mass production of movies on cd’s, online and on TV-stations has made it so convenient to enjoy productions in the comfort of one’s home. Hence, a number of audience who watched staged-plays at venues like the National Theatre, Arts Centre, Citizens Centre and others have enventually diminished. Theatre has now been abondoned and its halls are now being used for other functions like Movie Premieres, Award Nights, Music Shows, Stand-up Comedy, etc…

Theatre originated from ancient Greek festival “Dionysus” in earlier times. Theatre has over the years became an exeptional part of every culture. It is used to portray the lives of a people through Education, Information and Entertainment. Until the inception of film-making in the last century. This is justified by Shakespeare’s theory: “The world’s a great stage with all men and women merely players, they all have the exits and entrances; one man his time plays many acts, his acts being seven ages”.

The theatre is one aspect of society that is harmless and time-wise. It teaches, rebukes and mimics human follies which one is experiencing or likely to. It exposes one to the dealing with complicated issues of life, including; war, infidelity, crime, romance to mention but a few. As compared to the movies, theatre provides a connective spirit between the character and the audience marked by its instinct feature. While with movies, the stories are told through the camera and does not really move.

Furthermore, theatre brings audience together to watch same piece and make them judges over it. For a performance to happen, anywhere for which a hundred to a thousand people need to come together in one place for a couple of hours and share together; contemplating event, that may be beautiful, funny or thought-provoking.

It helps one to know other people’s culture, since it models us for a public discourse that lies at the heart of democratic life and builds our skills or listening to different sides of a conversation. In South Africa, theatre played a role in the struggle against apartheid; in Gechoslovakia, a playwright became the leader of a new democracy. Therefore; if the Paliment in this country, went to the theatre more often, I suspect we would be better of. It’s obvious here, that the camera angle does not warrant togetherness, just one’s self.

Moreover, both theatre making and attending of theatre contribute to education and literacy. Watching the characters talk back and forth in the theatre is tricky, it requires sharp attention, quick mental shifts and nimble language skills as compared to movies which need least attention. Movies can be watched several times to understand. The language and actions have also being edited, it’s on the best ones we see which are sometimes not natural. In contemporary plays, we learn about people in different parts of the world Studies have shown that student who participate in theatre do better in school.

Finally, theatre contributes to our econony and plays special role in the revitalization of neglected neighbourhoods. It gets money to the government from citizens and non-citizens in the form of revenue. It also drives vendors, restaurant and bar operators to locate around theatrical centres for easy market. An example is what we having at the Arts Centre, where a number of sculpture, arts and crafts vendors have flooded.

Aluta Continua…….
Felix Acquaye/CMN

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