On child marriage saga…

Entertainers are not left out of the  shock waves which have continued to trail the controversial Child Marriage Bill recently debated at the Senate. Showtime went to town and sought their opinions.

Future of girl child bleak — Benita Nzeribe

To me, it is totally wicked for our senators to think of something like that when there are several issues to debate on. Marriage is not what you just jump into. They should be thinking of giving the Nigerian girl child quality instead of subjecting them to early marriage. The future is bleak with this kind of law. I would humbly advise the Senate to  have a rethink as regards this controversial bill.

Benita Nzeribe

Benita Nzeribe

It’s like sleeping with one’s  daughter — Halima Abubakar

It’s actually shocking     that a bill like that was  passed by the Senate. I know more than half of them cannot give out their kids for marriage at that age.

To me, it’s like sleeping with one’s child. We need a wakeup call as regards that issue.

Crime against humanity — Tamara Eteimo, Actress

It is not right; they have their own daughters, they should marry them out at that age and allow others to enjoy their lives. These men are supposed to be jailed for this crime against humanity. A child, as it were, cannot be knowledgeable and mature enough for marriage. Immaturity of the body can cause diseases like VVF and the rest. So many young girls are abandoned in the hospital because of this problem and they end up living miserable lives. Now they want to make it legal? A big rejection from me.



Abominable! — Chiege Alisigwe

It is bad. I see it as the worst bill so far. I don’t like thinking about that because it gets me worried. I cannot give out my daughter at that age for marriage. I think we all should put hands together to fight this kind of bad bill and ensure it’s not passed into law. What we should know is that it is not going to affect their own children. It is so bad.

Bad decision— Elvis Chucks, Actor

I do not think it’s a good decision. We cannot use any religion or circumstance – be it political or otherwise against an innocent child. Children are our future, and when they are traumatised it affects their future and that of the nation as well. I am of the opinion that the errors of our predecessors regarding early marriage in whatever form can be rectified by us.

Elvis Chucks

Elvis Chucks

Barbaric — Nene SoulDiva,

Artiste I think its totally barbaric and ungodly. Why should a child who should have her attention on books be thinking of the responsibilities meant for an adult? The Bible says “when the wicked are in power, the people groan.” If this saga isn’t nipped in the bud this will unleash the wrath of God upon us as a nation.

It will breed an uncontrolled spread of the VVF, AIDS, high rate of Child pregnancy leading to  higher infant and child mortality. But more than these afore-mentioned, it would breed the next generation of indiscipline, prostitution and women with the lowest level of self-esteem. This is the time for us women to stand up for our own, this is when all female leaders in politics, entertainment and the corporate sector should come together with one voice to stand up against this modern day slavery.

Child not a bride — Collette Orji, Actress

Imagine the issues facing Nigeria like energy, security, education, among others, and here our Senators are legalising early marriage. I think such a debate wasn’t worth debating among learned leaders in the first place. A child is a child and not a bride. There will be other times for her to get married after she has gone through schooling and maturity.