XCLUSIV FOTOS: Celebrities Affected With Blackberry Fever!


    The Blackberry (BB) mobile craze is spreading like wild fire all over the world and Ghana is not left out of the new era.

    Though the BBM instant messaging phone is available for anybody who can afford the money and the time, celebrities all over the world have even made it spread more faster because they are often seen the public eye.

    Being a celebrity comes with a lot of perks: entrance into the swankiest clubs and parties, an attentive entourage, plenty of adoring fans and unusual busy schedule, yet still, they find time to twit, chart on Facebook and communicate via BBM.

    In Ghana several celebrities are spotted on countless occasions concentrating on their Blackberry phones at public events. Celebrities communicate with fellow celebrities, they broadcast information and advertise certain activities they want the public to know about and sometimes interact with their fans.

    In Nigeria, Blackberry is gradually becoming a part of almost every celebrity. When Peacefmonline.com visited Nigeria, we observe that almost every celebrity in Nigeria uses a Blackberry phone.

    The story is not different in America as several Hollywood celebrities including singer Lady Gaga, Victoria Beckham, Lindsay Lohan, Rihanna, Jenifer Lopez, Paris Hilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Kelly Rowland, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and even President Barrack Obama have been spotted busily charting on Blackberry phones.

    Peacefmonline.com has gathered exclusive pictures of various celebrities from Ghana and elsewhere who have been affect by the Blackberry phone fever.

    Check out the exclusive pictures below: