Transport Ministry Seeks Sector with Socio-Economic Development

Mahmoud Jibril, a Libyan rebel leader, is in Washington for a meeting with the US national security adviser, a day after the British government invited the Libyan rebel council to open its first foreign office in London. Jibril, who serves as the foreign minister of the rebels' National Transitional Council (NTC), was to hold White House talks with Tom Donilon, the US national security adviser to Barack Obama, the US president, on Friday

Sudan News Agency (Khartoum)

6 May 2011

Khartoum — The Acting Minister of Transport Engineer Faisal Hamad has affirmed that the ministry would adopt a policy of linking transport sector with the socio-economic development in Sudan by extending the railway lines to all areas of production and industrialization.

He added that the ministry would also prepare to convey more than 1.5 millions heads of cattle through land transport, explaining that the ministry will work to improve capabilities of the transport sector to make qualitative shift in it such as a refrigerated transport to import meat to the neighboring countries.

He disclosed that a number of deals were signed on land transport field with a number of neighboring countriesRegarding cooperation with the government of southern Sudan (GoSS) in exploitation of Port Sudan port, the railway line and land transport in conveying goods to the south Sudan, the minister pinpointed that the ministry welcomes work with GoSS in such issues, specially that a railway line is already exited stretching up to Wau town and which was recently rehabilitated at a cost of 46 million dollars.

The minister said, in statements to SUNA, that there were several factors led to the deterioration of Sudan Airways Company (Sudanair) represented in the inability of the partner to develop the company, the American sanctions banning purchasing of airplanes and spare parts.

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Transport Ministry Seeks Sector with Socio-Economic Development