Rawlings Wants A Similar Design To Fire-Gutted Ridge House


    Mr And Mrs Rawlings

    A consultant to the construction firm in charge of reconstructing the residence of Former President Jerry John Rawlings says the former first couple would want a similar design to the house that was gutted by fire about a year ago.
    He made this confirmation on the Big Bite morning show with Emefa Apawu on XFM 95.1, a privately owned commercial radio station in Osu, Accra.
    Mr. Nii Teiko Anfom says when consulted, the former first family said they still would prefer a house similar to what they had before the fire gutted the building.
    “A design has been approved, and we got the go ahead to start the site works last week. Demolition of the ruins of the old structure has started. At the same time we are finalizing the drawings for the new building. These things take a little bit of time but when they start they tend to move rather fast,” he said.
    Nii Teiko mentioned the state and the former first family as those who have been consulted since they are the main parties involved, adding that both parties have been very cooperative and helpful.
    He, however, refused to disclose the amount involved in the reconstruction works of the residence, but says it would be “comparable to any other house of similar standard being built right now, so it is not an inordinately high cost”.
    “The super structure has been demolished. The carting away of the debris is in progress. When that is done then we have to pull up the foundations and then level the area…What will happen after that is we will conduct a topographical survey of the site and take levels which will enable us to put in very efficient drainage system,” he explained.
    According to Nii Teiko, the building will be completed within a year.
    He was categorical that so far, no ammunition has been found as rumors have it.
    “We haven’t done any digging yet but it is not likely that we will find a thing like that”.
    A raging fire gutted the Ridge residence of the former President on Saint Valentine’s Day last year February 14th amidst loud explosions in the early hours of that morning. The cause of the fire is still unknown, but the former first couple has been living apart since then as controversies raged on concerning alternative accommodation for them.
    Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings has been ‘perching’ with her mom whilst her husband stays at a “village house” in Tefle near Sogakope.
    Source: Susan Lamptey/ Xfm 95.1/ Accra/ Ghana