Ghanaians Are Best Judges Of Our Work – President


    President J.E.A. Mills

    President John Evans Atta Mills yesterday said Ghanaians were the best judges of the performance of his government. He said the extent to which the general social and economic conditions impacted on the broad masses could be assessed only by the public.
    Interacting with members of the Presidential Press Corps at the Castle, President Mills pointed out that only the people were in a better position to draw a dispassionate balance sheet of the government’s performance.
    According to him, the evaluation of the government by the public who were at the receiving end of its policies and programmes would not be blown out of proportion or downplayed, whether it favoured the
    government or not. He said the government would seriously consider the general sentiments of the people on its performance and try to improve upon it where it fell short to enhance the quality of life of the vast majority of the people.
    He further said the government would not play the ostrich to the rising expectations of the people but strive to find more appropriate measures to better their lot.
    President Mills remarked that one of the best ways by which the government could gauge its performance was listen to the concerns of the people. He assured Ghanaians that the government would not renege on its avowed determination and commitment to overhaul the country’s infrastructure base to attract investment and offer job opportunities to the people.
    The President said the government was mindful of the formidable challenges confronting the economy, which he attributed to local and external forces which were sometimes beyond its control.
    He, however, quickly added that the government was not in the mood to play the blame game and had, since its assumption of political power, instituted prudent measures to deal with problems plaguing the various sectors of the economy.
    He said the government was confident that it would be able to actualise its goals of ensuring the economic reconstruction and social renewal of the Ghanaian society by the end of its tenure of office. President Mills thanked members of the corps for their massive coverage of activities of the Presidency in 2010, stressing, “We are very grateful to you all.”