Hudson lip-synced Super Bowl performance

Jennifer Hudson Jennifer Hudson lip-synced the U.S. national anthem at Super Bowl XLIII on Sunday after producers insisted she sing to a prerecorded track to avoid a potentially disastrous performance.

Hudson wowed millions of American TV viewers with her comeback, broadcast from Tampa, Florida – her first public appearance since her mother, brother and nephew were shot dead in October.

And the show’s producer, Ricky Minor, urged Hudson to sing accompanied by the recording.

He tells, “This was such an important performance, because it’s the first time everyone has seen Jennifer. But she’s in such a great place, with such great spirits, and time can heal her wounds. She’s on fire right now and totally grounded.

“That’s the right way to do it. There’s too many variables to go live. I would never recommend any artist go live, because the slightest glitch would devastate the performance.”

When Hudson stepped off the stage, Minor was the first to congratulate her success: “I told her, ‘Touchdown!’ She’s just getting so much love.”

Hudson’s mother Darnell Donerson and brother Jason Hudson, 29, were shot dead in Donerson’s Chicago, Illinois home. The body of the Oscar-winner’s seven year old nephew, Julian, was found in a car elsewhere in the city three days later.

William Balfour, the estranged husband of Hudson’s sister Julia, has pleaded not guilty to charges of first degree murder and home invasion.