7 Ways to Get Your Husband to Do Some Houseworks

images (15) Sometimes you can’t stop wondering why women are called the weaker s*x. After all, each of us can change a light bulb, remove the clog in the sink, paint or paper the walls, or hammer a nail without men’s help… That is our biggest problem: instead of “educating” the husband, we try to solve all problems by ourselves. Here are several basic tips to fix this situation.

1. From the beginning of your married life, you should not divide things into “female” and “male”. Discard the stereotypes and do everything together. If your husband likes to cook, and you are fond of ironing, let it be. Divide the chores depending on what you like.

2. A man needs to realize that he is an assistant, not a homemaker and not engaged in women’s affairs, he only helps his woman. Moreover, it is worthy of a man. He does not become less manly.

3. Do not shout or quarrel. Neither cries, nor whining or reproaches will help. You ‘ll get the reverse reaction – he will spend less time at home, trying to escape to his friends from you.

4. Do not fulfil his duties, if it they are not done in time. Do not change a light bulb, or clean the clog. If you do something for him once, you will later do it all the time, and he will take it for granted.

5. It often happens that we do not notice how we repel men from helping us. Instead of saying a kind word, we criticize them for doing everything wrong. Therefore, we must decide: we either undertake all the worries or ignore small flaws in his work…

6. Do what is comfortable for both of you. If he is okay with the clothes waiting a few days for you to iron them, there is no not need to force yourself do it straight away. Do it when you have time. After all, family life is not confined to household chores . No need to stress yourself out. There’s no use undertaking all the chores and then ending up exhausted and angry at your husband because of his non-participation in housework.

7. If none of you wants to do a particular work, hire an assistant whom you will pay for the cleaning, ironing or other housework. In the end, if nobody wants to do the job and it needs to be done anyway, you will have to pay for it – if not with your time and effort, then with money.
