5 Popular Myths about Marriage Busted

TNMCoupleWeddingHands_feature-300x140A marriage is not about dating each other for a year or two. It is about spending the rest of your life together. To share each other’s life as it comes, one needs to be patient and have a very strong bond. Only then would one be able to pull off something as intricate as marriage. With the divorce rate on a rise, it is imperative that people fear about them getting separated too. But one must overcome the fear and work towards making everything work beautifully. Here are five myths about marriage that you thought were true but actually are not:

1. Having a baby solves every problem

This is probably the most popular statement and the most senseless way of trying to strengthen a fading relationship. A baby is a new entity altogether. Once you plan to have a baby, your next few years are all about him and his growth. Most definitely if you have a baby, you may be able to divert your mind from marriage issues, but conceiving, delivering and raising a kid has its own set of problems. Unless you have a very strong bond, you may completely ruin another life as well.

2.  Being best friend is a great idea

Yes, you do need to have a friendly relationship with your spouse, but an overtly strong friendship without an attraction or spark can kill the essence. A marriage, no doubt needs understanding and friendship to sustain the relationship and overcome every problem. But, if you are not physically attracted to your partner, there is a strong possibility of him/her straying away.

3. Don’t sleep over a fight

Most definitely it is a good idea to resolve issues before you let them pent up inside of you. Unless you are done finding a way out, you must constantly try. But there are also times when constant discussions and the acts of solution finding erode the situation more. The more the conversation about it, the deeper is the pit that you keep falling into. The hunky-dory love stories and proverbs may tell you to never sleep over a fight, but practicality and experience teaches you that at many points of life, ‘you need to do it’!

4. Gifts are not that important

Well, this is especially for men. A lot of men are proud of their wives for not being the types that can be wooed by gifts and flowers. But they must understand that though their wives do not ‘demand’ these things, but they might love to be surprised with such gestures once in a while for sure. Gifting would not necessarily mean expensive things but some little handouts that make the other feel special. She/he may not outrightly express but everyone loves to feel special by his or her loved one.

5. Fighting or having arguments is a bad sign

Having an argument is healthy for anyone alive. If two human beings live together, it is natural for them to have conflicts with each other. To say that a couple should not fight at all is absurd and unreal. Moreover, such small fights only strengthen a relationship. You learn to agree that you are two individuals and have different thoughts, but adjusting for each other is what keeps you together. It is said marriages are made in heaven. So, keep yourself free from these myths and enjoy your marital bliss.

Source: Bollywoodshaadis.com
