Read Lies About Newborns

1. Babies sleep through by 3 months

They don’t. At least mine didn’t. But you know what? Babies can’t sleep through at that age. They still need to feed during the night but we had a good routine so I was expecting to get up and be up. This obviously made the days harder. I just felt like tired was my default setting. And that sage advice of “sleep when the baby sleeps”? Who are these people? Do you have a full house staff? Admittedly I DID sometimes sleep when he did, mostly because I just didn’t have the energy to move my body.

While some babies might sleep through, most don’t. So thank your lucky stars if it’s true for you.

2. Breastfeeding is easy

I thought babies just knew how to do this. And again, some take to it like a fish to water, rooting their way to the chest minutes after birth and latching like champions. But others can have trouble either with tongue-tie or the mother’s bosoms being flat making it hard for the baby latch. Just remember your baby is brand new and still learning how to be a human. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s difficult, it can be sore and you might want to give up desperately. But if you’ve decided to do this don’t give up too easily. It really is the best you can give your baby and you’ll be so happy when your baby eventually “gets it”. It was a defining moment for us.

3. You’re a bad parent if you co-sleep

I came across a forum post where a mom was so upset that she had fallen asleep with her daughter in her bed, she said she felt like such a bad mother. I felt so sad for her. The best mornings were the dark and rainy ones when my husband had to go out to work and I got to snuggle in bed with our newborn son. I’m not anti co-sleeping, sometimes when I was just too tired to walk up and down and I knew he would sleep in my arms we’d snuggle down for a few extra hours. But you should always take precautions when doing so. And never co-sleep when either you or partner have been drinking.

4. Babies need to cry it out 

The reasons I’ve heard for this are varied. From “it will help them to strengthen their lungs” to “you’ll spoil them if you pick him up every time he cries”. All of these reasons are a big pile of BS. You can’t spoil a baby. Let me repeat that so that it can sink in. You can’t spoil a baby. They have one form of communication to tell you that they need something. Whether they’re hungry, need a nappy change or just need you. Remember, he’s spent 9 months being as close to you as possible. Just wanting to be with you isn’t spoiling them. At least not at that age. And if there’s one thing that grates my nerves is hearing my son scream-cry (you know which one I’m talking about) when I know I can do something about it.

5. Newborn poop doesn’t smell

This is assuming your baby is breastfed. It’s still a lie. Maybe it doesn’t smell as bad as the poop they will surprise you with when they start solids, it’s still poop. It’s yellow and runny and smelly. Poo is gross, you guys. But you’ll get used to it, promise!
