Religious intolerance rises in Nigeria – US report

By Uduma Kalu with agency report

A REPORT published yesterday in The Guardian of London said religious intolerance is on the rise in Nigeria. The survey, entitled The Rising Tide of Restrictions on Religion, is the second successive one by Pew Research Centre to note increasing intolerance worldwide.

Pew Research Centre report says the US and UK are among 197 countries showing a worrying rise in religious discrimination too.

The conclusions of the project, conducted by the Pew Research Centre, an American thinktank’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, were published yesterday. The analysis, of 197 countries and territories, identifies a sharp rise in religious limits globally and a six per cent increase in restrictions in the four years until 2010.

Three-quarters of the world’s human population of seven billion live under strong government curbs on religion, or among serious “social hostilities” involving faith issues, said researchers. The report is being published amid a rash of protests in the Muslim world following the posting online of a video spoof that mocks the life of Muhammad.

The survey reports that in all five main regions of the world – including the Americas and sub-Saharan Africa where religious restrictions previously had been declining – freedom of faith is coming under increasing pressure.

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Religious intolerance rises in Nigeria – US report